Chapter 13

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    Thank you for the chapter. It was an awesome fight. It seems Barry has fallen, though.

    That is saddening. I really, really liked him. I wanted to see more of him. But it seems the knife girl is dead too, which is the only solace


    Damn everyone is dead, sick battle tho.
    Thx for the chapter 😀


    It would be neat subscribe to update notifications outside mangadex.


    Nice ! Sadge they all died .. almost, but poor dude has not healed enought and yet was able to deal with that champion, was the demon mage ealier killed ?
    who know ! took quite some time but nice chapter 13, that some nice work once more, the battle scene are well draw too, nice détail.


    I love your art style and I enjoyed this chapter


    "THIS. IS. SPARTA!!!"


    I am grateful to read this story. After analyzing, chapter 13 feels so narratively important. There's subtle callbacks to Chp 1, when Goroshky saved Emily for the first time. It seems the poor girl's curse is to connect with others, only to lose them along the way. Chp 13 seems to elucidate Goroshky's thoughts and personality because in Chapter 2, when facing Abanddon, he said, "Killing things stronger than me is quite thrilling." Emily inadvertently stopped him, but this fight feels like a conclusion to that zanny thought. It also displays the difference in perspective: while people are dying (Barry) and struggling (Emily), he sees this as fun, and it's well-written because that viewpoint was teased in the early chapters. In regards to Emily, he intends to keep his promise of protecting her, and I find that endearing. His manic face after breaking the Demon Champion's wrist, with the caption "It Broke" also feels like a mirror to Emily's fearful expression in Chapter 10.

    All in all, I love reading this story, and I patiently wait for Chapter 14

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